Future keepers
A lengthy list of possible keepers.
If you are struggling to identify a future keeper, refer to this list. Consider what your keeper will be shepherding and what role, if any, they will have in the community. How will their identity and what they herd affect their place in the community?
Recommendation: If you are undecided or would like to impose some randomness, roll a D20 and select an element from the corresponding number.
Your keeper values education. Perhaps they are a scientist, researcher, or teacher. Who does your keeper teach or assist? Are they part of a secret society or open academy?
Your keeper loves to travel. Perhaps they enjoy hiking, visiting friends and family, or exploring new places. How does their wanderlust affect their ability to tend their flock?
Artificial intelligence
Your keeper was built. Perhaps it is a golem, android, or computer program. Who created your keeper and for what purpose? Is your current use what your keeper's creator would have intended?
Your keeper is renowned for their craft. Perhaps they are a weaver, tanner, carpenter, or cheese maker. What is their craft? How is it connected to shepherding?
Your keeper loves to create things. Perhaps they are a painter, musician, writer, or actor. How does their art integrate with their duties as a shepherd?
Your keeper loves exercise. They may be on a sports team or may prefer solo activities. They may practice their sport in the open or privately. What sport do they practice and what drives them to excel at it? Are you a piece of their sports equipment?
Your keeper likes collecting things. Perhaps they are a hoarder, museum curator, or archivist. What do they collect? Do they share their collection with the community?
Healer Your keeper serves others. Perhaps they are a midwife, doctor, hedge witch, or apprentice. How were they regarded by their community?
Hermit Your keeper enjoys solitude. Perhaps they live on the edge of society, or in the wilderness, tending their flocks. Are they isolated by choice or because their profession or reputation requires it?
Your keeper is lazy. They may have been born into wealth or be the youngest child from whom nothing is expected. How do they spend their time and what part do you play in it?
Magical creature
Your keeper is not human. Perhaps they are an imp, dryad, demon, or talking animal. Are they accepted, common, or reviled in the community?
Your keeper provides security for the greater good. Perhaps they are an army general, a cook for the cavalry, or a member of the police force or local watch. What is your role in your keeper's duties?
Noble Your keeper was high-born. Perhaps they are a noble, royal, or well-placed military officer. Are you a badge of their rank or a tool of their punishment?
Peasant Your keeper came from humble beginnings. Perhaps they are a lowly shepherd, an acolyte at the village temple, or a servant or slave in a noble's manor. Are you a tool of their labor, a key to their salvation, or both?
Religious Your keeper is a member of a religious order. Perhaps they are a lowly monk or nun toiling in the fields, or someone highly placed, like an abbot or priestess. What purpose do you serve for them?
Your keeper wants to change the world. Perhaps they are a protestor, dissident, prophet, or ahead of their time. What do they stand for? How will they use you to further their cause?
Rogue Your keeper lives outside the law. Perhaps they are an outlaw or thief outwitting their would-be captors, or a well-placed business owner or civil servant for whom the law does not apply. How do you help them evade capture?
Your keeper is a follower who lives to please. Perhaps they are a minion, leech, puppet, or lackey. Who does your keeper follow? Are you a tool of obedience or source of discontent?
Your keeper engages in commerce. Perhaps they are a business owner, ship captain, merchant, or member of a local gang. What do they trade or sell? How is that connected to your duties?
Your keeper notices patterns and predicts the future. Perhaps they are a fortune teller, charlatan, mentalist, or economist. Do they work to benefit the community or themselves?
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